I've made some commits but I can not see them for the push.
I've read this may be related to not having a remote? But here is the result of the command line:
$ git remote
git status command result:
git status
HEAD detached from 5235085
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
git branch -avv command result:
git branch -avv
* (HEAD detached from 5235085) 908eb97 Fix: - New camera OpenCV configurations - Improved the Yellow and Red Ball detections. - Improved the Matrix placement of the balls.
main 6dc0b73 [origin/main] Fix: bug fixes
temp 1e084c0 Fix: - New camera OpenCV configurations - Improved the Yellow and Red Ball detections. - Improved the Matrix placement of the balls.
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
remotes/origin/main 6dc0b73 Fix: bug fixes
Note: The fix: bug fixes
commit was not made by me, that was another user and his commit-push commands were successful.
Still in command-line, check the output if git status
If you are in detached HEAD mode (not in a branch), check your local and remote branches (git branch -avv
), and see which one you should be on.
You can then switch to the right branch, and merge your detached HEAD.
git switch -c tmp
git switch main
git merge tmp
git branch -d tmp
For older Git:
git checkout -b tmp
git checkout main
git merge tmp
git branch -d tmp
From there, you will be able to push, including from PyCharm.