When I download the app from the playstore and then buy something from the shop, I only get to see a test shop. My goal is to have a shop in which if you want to buy something you need to pay real money. So that it isn't in a test environment anymore. Does anyone know how why the shop type is in test mode, although I've tested it in release mode?
What I've tried:
More Information:
How did you set up your testing environment? Did you follow the step in Google's doc? https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/test
To test during the development phase, we recommend leveraging license testers to run through the scenarios described in this topic. To configure license testers, see Test in-app billing with application licensing.
Set up application licensing To set up application licensing, start by adding your list of tester's Gmail addresses in Play Console.
Open Play Console. Click Setup > License testing. In "Add license testers" box, enter your testers' Gmail addresses. In the bottom right corner of the screen, select Save changes.
To see the real purchase process, remove your account from the license testers list
Or alternately, log your current account out of your test device and create a new Google account.