Here is what I would like to implement:
public static void foo()
// Local function
int? parseAppliedAmountTernary( decimal? d ) {
d.HasValue ? return Convert.ToInt32( Math.Round(d.Value, 0) ) : return null;
// The rest of foo...
However, I get a compilation error. Is this syntax even possible? I am using Visual Studio 2019, .NET Framework 4, which (currently) equates to C# 7.3.
Note - I am just trying to figure out the syntax... any philosophical discussion regarding the "readability" of the code or other aesthetics, while interesting, are beside the point. :)
Code sample (uses Roslyn 4.0)
The ternary operator is not a condition but an expression which evaluates to a single value. It is this value that you have to return:
return d.HasValue ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(d.Value, 0)) : null;
Note, that before C# 9.0 both the value on the left and the the value on the right of the colon have to be of the same type; therefore, you need to cast the non null value here. Starting with C# 9.0 the type can be infered from the target type.