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How to set gradient as text color as well as add stroke around it in TextView Android?

I want to set gradient as textcolor and also at the same time I want text to have a solid stroke around it as well in a TextView. So far what I have achieved is text can only show gradient or the stroke, not both at the same time.

I've created a custom class with extended TextView and I am using the following methods:

Using this to draw stroke:


Which gives me this result:

enter image description here

Using following code to add gradient:

Shader textShader = new LinearGradient(0f, 0f, getWidth(), getTextSize(), gradientColorsArray, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);

And It gives me the following result:

enter image description here

The problem is when I combine the above two methods, The stroke is drawn but the color of the stroke is the same as the gradient I am giving to paint object.

Following is the result I want to achieve. It would be great if somebody can guide me on how to achieve desired results.

enter image description here


  • So after waiting for more than 4 days and lots of research, I am finally able to succeed to achieve the desired output.

    The mistake I was making is while drawing a stroke on a paint object, I am setting the stroke color as textcolor. What I did this time was I created a LinearGradient() object and gave it to paint.shader while setting the paintStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke).

    Paint paint = this.getPaint();
            paint.setShader(new LinearGradient(0f, 0f, getTextSize(), getTextSize(), mOutlineColor, mOutlineColor, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP));

    And after setting the stroke in onDraw() method of my CustomTextView class, I called the super.onDraw(canvas)

    Then I create a new LinearGradient() object for the gradient colors as follow:

     Paint paint = this.getPaint();
            Shader linearShader = new LinearGradient(0f, 0f, getWidth(), getTextSize(), colors, null,

    Finally calling the super.onDraw(canvas) again and this gives my textview a stroke as well as gradient as textColor.