Search code examples

How configure reference search list-view of an entity in Sap Hybris

I have to show an "info" icon in the ReferenceSearch ListView of an entity, which when hovering the mouse shows a tooltip with information(a table with a colum and row). How can I enable all this? Thanks a lot.


  • You can do it via just extending the AbstractWidgetComponentRenderer.

    The below example is used to have a tooltip for consignment list view, on the hover of the mouse to consignment code you can see product details.

    package custom.backoffice.renderer;
    import org.zkoss.util.resource.Labels;
    import org.zkoss.zul.*;
    import com.hybris.cockpitng.core.config.impl.jaxb.listview.ListColumn;
    import com.hybris.cockpitng.dataaccess.facades.type.DataType;
    import com.hybris.cockpitng.engine.WidgetInstanceManager;
    import com.hybris.cockpitng.util.UITools;
    import com.hybris.cockpitng.widgets.common.AbstractWidgetComponentRenderer;
    import de.hybris.platform.core.model.ItemModel;
    import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel;
    import de.hybris.platform.ordersplitting.model.ConsignmentModel;
     * Renderer class to display list of product in the tooltip on the hover of consignment code column value
    public class CustomListViewWithTooltipRenderer extends AbstractWidgetComponentRenderer<Listcell, ListColumn, Object> {
        public static final String CONTAINER_WIDTH = "540px";
        public static final String HEADER_CODEUPC_SCSS = "tooltip-codeUPC bold-border";
        public static final String HEADER_QTY_SCSS = "tooltip-qty bold-border";
        private static final String PRODUCT_CODE_UPC_LABEL = "customwarehousing.consignment.entry.product.code_upc";
        public static final String PRODUCT_NAME_LABEL = "";
        public static final String QUANTITY_LABEL = "customwarehousing.consignment.entry.quantity";
        public void render(final Listcell listcell, final ListColumn listColumn, final Object entry,
                final DataType dataType, final WidgetInstanceManager widgetInstanceManager) {
            Label consignmentCode = new Label(((ConsignmentModel) entry).getCode());
            Popup tooltipPopup = new Popup();
            Vlayout tooltipLabelAndItems = new Vlayout();
            Listbox tooltipContainer = new Listbox();
            Listhead header = renderHeaderCells();
            renderItems(tooltipContainer, (ItemModel) entry);
            tooltipPopup.setId(((ItemModel) entry).getPk().getLongValueAsString());
            addEventListener(consignmentCode, tooltipPopup);
            fireComponentRendered(tooltipPopup, listcell, listColumn, entry);
            fireComponentRendered(listcell, listColumn, entry);
         * Method to add on mouse hover and on mouse out event
         * @param label evencustom to be added to label object
         * @param tooltipPopup tooltip pop up object
        private void addEventListener(final Label label, final Popup tooltipPopup) {
            label.addEventListener("onMouseOver", event ->, "before_start"));
            label.addEventListener("onMouseOut", event -> tooltipPopup.close());
         * Method to set the product details which will be displayed in the tooltip on the hover event
         * @param tooltipContainer tooltip container which contains product related information
         * @param itemModel row object on which event will be done
        private void renderItems(final Listbox tooltipContainer, final ItemModel itemModel) {
            ConsignmentModel consignmentModel = (ConsignmentModel) itemModel;
            consignmentModel.getConsignmentEntries().forEach(consignmentEntry -> {
                Listitem entry = new Listitem();
                ProductModel product = consignmentEntry.getOrderEntry().getProduct();
                renderProductCodeAndUPC(entry, product);
                Listcell nameCell = new Listcell(product.getName());
                UITools.modifySClass(nameCell, HEADER_CODEUPC_SCSS, true);
                Listcell quantityCell = new Listcell(consignmentEntry.getQuantity().toString());
                UITools.modifySClass(quantityCell, HEADER_QTY_SCSS, true);
         * Set the product code and UPC in the container
         * @param entry list item object
         * @param product product model object
        private void renderProductCodeAndUPC(final Listitem entry, final ProductModel product) {
            Listcell codeAndUPCCell = new Listcell();
            Vlayout codeAndUPCContainer = new Vlayout();
            Label code = new Label(product.getCode());
            Label upc = new Label(product.getUpc());
            UITools.modifySClass(codeAndUPCCell, HEADER_CODEUPC_SCSS, true);
         * Set the header of product details to display the tooltip content in table structure
         * @return list head object which contains tooltip header structure and name
        private Listhead renderHeaderCells() {
            Listhead header = new Listhead();
            Listheader codeAndUPCHeader = new Listheader(Labels.getLabel(PRODUCT_CODE_UPC_LABEL));
            Listheader productNameHeader = new Listheader(Labels.getLabel(PRODUCT_NAME_LABEL));
            Listheader quantityHeader = new Listheader(Labels.getLabel(QUANTITY_LABEL));
            UITools.modifySClass(codeAndUPCHeader, HEADER_CODEUPC_SCSS, true);
            UITools.modifySClass(productNameHeader, HEADER_CODEUPC_SCSS, true);
            UITools.modifySClass(quantityHeader, HEADER_QTY_SCSS, true);
            return header;

    ::::::::Spring file changes:::::::::::::::

    bean entry

     <alias name="customListViewWithToolTipRender" alias="produccustomToolTipRenderer"/>
    <bean id="customListViewWithToolTipRender" class="custom.backoffice.renderer.CustomListViewWithTooltipRenderer" />

    Backoffice Config xml file changes

    <context type="Consignment" component="warehousingbackofficelistview" merge-by="module">
            <list:list-view xmlns:list="">
                <list:column qualifier="order.code" label="warehousingbackoffice.consignment.order.number" merge-mode="replace" width="100px"/>
                <list:column qualifier="code" label="warehousingbackoffice.consignment.consignmentnumber" spring-bean="produccustomToolTipRenderer" merge-mode="replace"/>