I know it is possible to delete the entire Jmeter result tree, through the code:
import org.apache.jmeter.gui.GuiPackage;
import org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent;
import org.apache.jmeter.gui.tree.JMeterTreeNode;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.Clearable;
log.info("Clearing All ...");
guiPackage = GuiPackage.getInstance();
for (JMeterTreeNode node : guiPackage.getTreeModel().getNodesOfType(Clearable.class)) {
JMeterGUIComponent guiComp = guiPackage.getGui(node.getTestElement());
if (guiComp instanceof Clearable){
Clearable item = (Clearable) guiComp;
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Can't clear: "+node+" "+guiComp, ex);
but I didn't want to delete the entire result tree, only the returns that returned with status == 500. Because my api returns 500 until the callback is available for consultation, when it finds the callback it returns "success", so while the api keeps retrying, these retries show up as an error in the report,but in fact the callback has not returned yet, when it returns the api returns the callback and is successful. I would like to remove these requests from the report, which are retry.
guys. First, thanks for the answers, I ended up giving up on the idea of removing the result from the tree and looking for a way to modify the way that result is presented.
I made a beanShell assertion, so that if Status==500, it would return "Success" in the result tree:
I also made it so that if it were a new attempt the name displayed in the results tree would indicate this, leaving the api name mutable depending on the return:
and I have this logic:
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
//process main sample
if (${status} == 500) {
vars.put("Api_Fake_Client_name", "API_FAKE_CLIENT_RETRY");
I will configure the answers in the other conditions, but I believe that this way I will be able to solve my problem because the new attempts no longer appear as an error.