I am trying to open a new email form in Dynamics 365 using JavaScript. I can easily pre-fill various fields like "Regarding" but when I try to fill the "To" field it just comes out empty.
Here is a small code snippet reproducing my problem:
let contactid = "91be7fec-2142-ec11-8c62-000d3ac23084";
let activityParameters = {};
// Set the regarding field -- this works!
activityParameters["regardingobjectid"] = contactid ;
activityParameters["regardingobjectidname"] = "Regarding your last email";
activityParameters["regardingobjectidtype"] = "contact";
// Set the to field -- this is not working!
var parties = [];
var receiver = {};
receiver["partyid_contact@odata.bind"] = `/contacts(${contactid})`;
receiver["participationtypemask"] = 2; //To
activityParameters["email_activity_parties"] = parties;
await window.parent.Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(
{ pageType: "entityrecord", entityName: "email", data: activityParameters },
{ target: 2 } // Open in modal
I have also tried some variations based on how lookups are set in other places, like:
var parties = [];
var receiver = {
activityparty: {
id: contactid,
entityType: "contact",
name: "XXX"
participationtypemask: 2
Googling the problem only gave me solutions for creating emails using the web API (as I have tried above), but I am unsure how to change the code so that navigateTo()
recognizes the parameter.
Does anyone have an idea how to go about this?
I finally figured it out. Andrew Butenko described how to do it for openForm()
, and it turns out the same solution can also be applied to navigateTo()
I'll leave my solution here in case anyone else has the same problem.
let contactid = "91be7fec-2142-ec11-8c62-000d3ac23084";
let activityParameters = {};
// Set the to field -- this IS working!
activityParameters["to"] = [{
id: contactid,
name: "Contact Name Here",
entityType: "contact"
await window.parent.Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(
{ pageType: "entityrecord", entityName: "email", data: activityParameters },
{ target: 2 } // Open in modal