I have IInterface with appropriate realization Realization which is registered in IUnityContainer (Unity framework):
public interface IInterface
void Foo();
public class Realization : IInterface
public void Foo() => Console.WriteLine("Test");
public class BaseFixture
protected IUnityContainer Container { get; set; }
public void OneTimeSetUp()
Container = new UnityContainer()
.RegisterType<IInterface, Realization>();
I have Nunit TestFixture class in which I try to resolve the dependency in two ways:
public class MyTestClass1: BaseFixture
public IInterface MyProp { get; set; }
public MyTestClass1(IInterface instance)
MyProp = instance;
public void MyTest1()
public class MyTestClass2 : BaseFixture
public IInterface MyProp { get; set; }
public void MyTest2()
In the first case(constructor injection) I have the next exception on the runtime:
OneTimeSetUp: No suitable constructor was found
In the second case (property injection) the property is not initialized and has null
I would appreciate if anybody can advice the solution to use property or constructor injection. The only solution I've googled is: https://github.com/kalebpederson/nunit.dependencyinjection, but not sure that it is the best one.
This answer keeps getting downvoted over its currently 8K views. Stop shooting the messenger.
I understand why it may be tempting to have your entire DI setup just work and just write a unit test against a IoC-provided implementation of an interface, but it just goes against everything that proper unit testing stands for.
Why do you want to introduce dependency injection to your tests? That's not a common practice. There's no use injecting an interface implementation into your unit test.
You don't want to test an interface, and you can't test an interface (unless you use default implementations, but that's another story).
You want to test the concrete implementation of your interface, being Realization
. So your test will look like this:
public class MyTestClass1
public void MyTest1()
// Arrange
var classUnderTest = new Realization();
// Act
// Assert
// TODO: assertions
Everything you're trying to do in the code in your question has exactly the same purpose and achieves exactly the same, using a DI container. That's just unit testing with extra steps.
If you are really sure you want this, you can use the library you link to. This instructs the NUnit framework to call your dependency injection framework to provide injection for your tests.
But again, don't do that. You want to test Realization, then test Realization. Don't put yourself through extra, unnecessary hoops to get an interface into your test.