I have made this chart:
Using this code:
q2 = alt.Chart(source, width=100, height=100).mark_line().encode(
y=alt.Y("prob:Q", title = ''),
x=alt.X("year:O", title = ''),
row=alt.Row("key1:N", title="Probability of "),
column=alt.Column("key2:N", title="Given..."),
However I need the "Given..." And "Probability of" to occur for each row, not just once, as well as have the years show up on each graph's x-axis. Here is what it should look like:
And here is the dataframe I'm working with:
I know that this will require some levels of concatenation but I am not sure how to apply that concept to my chart. I have tried this:
charts = []
for key in totest:
data = source[source['key1'] == key]
chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(
y=alt.Y("prob:Q", title = ''),
x=alt.X("year:O", title = ''),
row=alt.Row("key1:N", axis=alt.Axis(title=['Probability of', key])),
facet = alt.Facet("key2:N", sort=totest, title = "Given...")
return alt.vconcat(*charts)
But I get this error:
SchemaValidationError: Invalid specification
altair.vegalite.v4.schema.channels.Row, validating 'additionalProperties'
Additional properties are not allowed ('axis' was unexpected)
The error is not particularly clear, but the issue is that the Vega-Lite renderer does not support concatenation of faceted charts. I don't know of any good workaround to do what you want to do, aside from displaying multiple charts instead of concatenating them:
for key in totest:
data = source[source['key1'] == key]
chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(
y=alt.Y("prob:Q", title = ''),
x=alt.X("year:O", title = ''),
row=alt.Row("key1:N", axis=alt.Axis(title=['Probability of', key])),
facet = alt.Facet("key2:N", sort=totest, title = "Given...")