Am not in control of what csv file we may get and they ted to have an extra '_' or year added to the name from time to time which does not match with the mapping I have done. Tried
var config = new CsvConfiguration(cultureInfo)
PrepareHeaderForMatch = args => args.Header.Replace("_", " "),
config.PrepareHeaderForMatch = args => Regex.Replace(args.Header, @"2021", string.Empty);
List<CSVInvoiceLineDetail> CSVParsedDataList = new();
using TextReader reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream());
using var csv = new CsvReader(reader, config);
while (csv.Read())
// Do something with the record.
but it doesn't work the headers are still how they were originally. Can anyone point out what am doing wrong here ?
var config = new CsvConfiguration(cultureInfo)
PrepareHeaderForMatch = args => args.Header.Replace("_", " ").Replace("2021","");,
Or if you want to strip all numbers and underscores out of headers:
var config = new CsvConfiguration(cultureInfo)
PrepareHeaderForMatch = args => Regex.Replace(args.Header, "[0-9_]", "")
Note that here it is replacing underscore with nothing, not space, so some adjustment to your declared header attributes may be required