I'm trying to swap two variables' contents. I did it just fine using pointers. But trying to implement it using references is not working.
#include <iostream>
//Implementing a reference based swap
void RefSwap(int& x, int& y)
int extra;
extra = x; //automatically de-referenced
x = y;
y = extra;
int main()
int a = 3, b = 10;
int& ref_a = a, ref_b = b; //refs don't actually exist in memory, they act like aliases
RefSwap(ref_a, ref_b);
std::cout << a << " " << b << std::endl;
My output:
10 10
Expected output:
10 3
Using VS Community 2022
int& ref_a = a, ref_b = b;
This is
int& ref_a = a;
int ref_b = b;
int& ref_a = a;
int& ref_b = b;
int& ref_a = a, ref_b = b;
int& ref_a = a;
int& ref_b = b;
will produce the correct result.