I have an array of object as below :
var filterConditionString = "";
var filterConditionsList = [
apiDataProperty: "LevelId",
filterQueryParamName: "entityLevelId",
value: 909
apiDataProperty: "TypeId",
filterQueryParamName: "entityTypeId",
value: 910
apiDataProperty: "WORKFORCE",
filterQueryParamName: "filter1",
value: 11
apiDataProperty: "MAIN_INSTRUMENT",
filterQueryParamName: "filter2",
value: [112, 113]
apiDataProperty: "MATRIX_ENTITY",
filterQueryParamName: "filter3",
value: [1131, 213, 413]
apiDataProperty: "VERSIONID",
filterQueryParamName: "filter4",
value: 1141
function createFilterConditions(filterList) {
this.filterConditionString = "";
let separator = "",
prevFilter = "",
prevArrayFilter = "";
filterList.map((filter) => {
if (Array.isArray(filter.value)) separator = "||";
else separator = "&&";
if (filter.value) {
if (Array.isArray(filter.value)) {
filter.value.forEach((arrVal) => {
this.filterConditionString =
prevArrayFilter +
`${filter.filterQueryParamName} == ${filter.value} ${separator}`;
prevArrayFilter = this.filterConditionString;
if (this.filterConditionString.substr(this.filterConditionString.length - 2) == "||") this.filterConditionString = this.filterConditionString.substr(0,this.filterConditionString - 2 );
this.filterConditionString = prevFilter + "(" + this.filterConditionString + ") &&"
prevArrayFilter = this.filterConditionString;
prevFilter = this.filterConditon;
} else {
this.filterConditionString = this.filterConditionString? prevFilter +`${filter.filterQueryParamName} == ${filter.value} ${separator}`: `${filter.filterQueryParamName} == ${filter.value} ${separator}`;
prevFilter = this.filterConditionString;
prevArrayFilter = this.filterConditionString;
return this.filterConditionString;
What I am trying to achieve is, the value of this.filterConditionString
value should as below :
entityLeveId == 909 && entityTypeId == 910 && filter1 == 11 && ( filter2 ==112 || filter2 == 113 ) && ( filter3 ==1131 || filter3 == 213|| filter3 ==413 ) && filter4 == 1141
Points to be taken care of :-
is not an array then filter[filterQueryParamName]
should be separated by &&
.for eg :- entityLeveId == 909 && entityTypeId == 910
is an array then only different values of same filter[filterQueryParamName]
should be separated by ||
and other values of filter[filterQueryParamName]
should be separated by &&
.for eg:- && ( filter2 ==112 || filter2 == 113 ) &&
let me know if anything is still unclear.
As Eknot
already mentioned in a comment, your code is not very readable. I was not able to understand your code since it's way too complicated. You wrote your own steps down, why not follow them!
I wrote u a more readable example on how to do this. If you go through the code, you can see I did more or less the steps you described in your question:
function createFilterConditions(filterList) {
// store all filters in an array
const filters = []
// helper for building up == chain.
// keep it in one place!
function condition(name, value) {
return `${name} == ${value}`
// iterate the list!.
for(let filter of filterList) {
// read out used data.
const name = filter['filterQueryParamName']
const values = filter['value']
// Step 1, if filter is NOT an array!
// First to the simple values.
// NO array? Then store the condition!.
if(Array.isArray(values) === false) {
filters.push(condition(name, values))
// Step 2: If values is an array
// Performance wise, it's probably not a big deal to check it twice. Generally prefer readability over performance.
// Build up a condition Group joined with '||' separator and wrapped in parenthesis.
else if(Array.isArray(values)) {
const sub_filters = []
// add each sub value in the array!.
for(let value of values) {
sub_filters.push(condition(name, value))
// join the arguments together and wrap em in
// OR Operator ('||')
const sub_condition = `(${sub_filters.join(' || ')})`
// add the filter to filters array.
// Now, that all filters have been evaluated and normalised
// it's needed to join ur whole group with ' && ' operator (and the space ofc..)
// this is like step 3. In step 2 you are doing multiple things.
return filters.join(' && ')
I tested it and it works with your given data.
What i want to know from you, what do you use this for? .