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How to navigate on view model field change in Compose Navigation?

In my app I want to send info to server and after receiving successful response I want to pass info to current screen to navigate to another screen.

Here's the flow:

From UI I call viewModel to send request to server. In ViewModel I have a callback:

class CreateAccountViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val cs: CS
) : ViewModel() {

    private val _screen = mutableStateOf("")

    val screen: State<String> = _screen

    fun setScreen(screen: Screen) {
        _screen.value = screen.route

    private val signUpCallback = object : SignUpHandler {
        override fun onSuccess(user: User?, signUpResult: SignUpResult?) {
            Log.i(Constants.TAG, "sign up success")


        override fun onFailure(exception: Exception?) {
            Log.i(Constants.TAG, "sign up failure ")


As you can see I have also State responsible for Screen so when response is successful I want to update the state so UI layer (Screen) knows that it should navigate to another screen. My question is: how can I observer State in

fun CreateAccountScreen(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: CreateAccountViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {

Or is there a better way to achieve that?


  • I think your view model should know nothing about navigation routes. Simple verificationNeeded flag will be enough in this case:

    var verificationNeeded by mutableStateOf(false)
        private set
    private val signUpCallback = object : SignUpHandler {
        override fun onSuccess(user: User?, signUpResult: SignUpResult?) {
            verificationNeeded = true
            Log.i(Constants.TAG, "sign up success")
        override fun onFailure(exception: Exception?) {
            Log.i(Constants.TAG, "sign up failure ")

    The best practice is not sharing navController outside of the view managing the NavHost, and only pass even handlers. It may be useful when you need to test or preview your screen.

    Here's how you can navigate when this flag is changed:

    fun CreateAccountScreen(
        onRequestVerification: () -> Unit,
        viewModel: CreateAccountViewModel = hiltViewModel(),
    ) {
        if (viewModel.verificationNeeded) {
            LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

    in your navigation managing view:

    val navController = rememberNavController()
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = Screen.CreateAccount
    ) {
        composable(Screen.CreateAccount) {
                onRequestVerification = {