I am using antlr 'org.antlr:antlr4:4.9.2'
and come across the "dangling else" ambiguity problem; see the following grammar IfStat.g4
// file: IfStat.g4
grammar IfStat;
stat : 'if' expr 'then' stat
| 'if' expr 'then' stat 'else' stat
| expr
expr : ID ;
ID : LETTER (LETTER | [0-9])* ;
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;
WS : [ \t\n\r]+ -> skip ;
I tested this grammar against the input "if a then if b then c else d"
. It is parsed as `"if a then (if b then c else d)" as expected. How does ANTLR4 resolve this ambiguity?
ANTLR will choose the first possible (successful) path it is able to make.
You can enable ANTLR to report such ambiguities in your grammar. Check this Q&A for that: Ambiguity in grammar not reported by ANTLR