I want to know the value of "Test1" whose "createdTs" value is greater than or equal to 444.
"raw" : {
"createdTs": 333,
"langCode": "ko"
"raw" : {
"createdTs": 555,
"langCode": "ko"
Even if I call Jsonpath as shown below, it does not work.
$[?(@.['Test2'].createdTs > 444)]
The result I want is like below.
"raw" : {
"createdTs": 555,
"langCode": "ko"
To access the path you need to specify all the attributes from parent node till the child node.
$[?(@.raw.Test2.createdTs > 444)]
Kindly go through the documentation completly to learn and understand how jayway jsonpath works. https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath#getting-started
Online Test Tool : https://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/