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Could I simplify the following javascript logical OR code?

I have a code in my project but it is kind of clunky. Could anyone help me to simplify the following code?

if (a == "good" || a == "beautiful || a == "pretty"|| a == "excellent" || a == "superb"|| a == "spectacular")

Could I make this into some sort of array and then use that array in this if code?


  • I suppose you could use a Hash-Set structure instead: in JS this is Set (or Set<T> in TypeScript):

    const positiveWords = new Set( [ "good", "beautiful", "pretty", "excellent", "superb", "spectacular" ] );


    if( positiveWords.has( a ) ) {

    Note that you'll need to convert a to lowercase first. If you want case-insensitive (or accent-insensitive, or other culture/locale-specific comparison rules) then use Intl and/or localeCompare.