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Using VBA, is there a way to retrieve the dates from my session's Automatic Replies (Out Of Office)?

I'm trying to develop a macro that would add the dates of the active (or nearest) Out Of Office dates to my signature. Kind of a "Upcoming OOO" signal.

For this, I need to retrieve such dates from the Automatic Replies section.

Is there a way to retrieve them?


  • Thanks to @Nathan_Sav for the hint. Used the following page for help as well:

    It works for me, but I had to get rid of the standard signature: still it is useful for me. It works based on upcomings events, rather than the Automatic Replies configuration.

    Need to declare inspectors in ThisOutlookSession to trigger on events:

    Private WithEvents CsInspect As Outlook.Inspectors

    It can be activated on Startup, ...

    Private Sub Application_Startup()
        Call General_Handler
    End Sub

    ... or on a specific macro that I can setup as a button:

    Public Sub TurnOnSignature()
        Call General_Handler
    End Sub

    It would be setting the with-events variable...

    Private Sub General_Handler()
        Set CsInspect = Application.Inspectors
    End Sub


    Const GrSgnName = "My Name (and position)"
    Const GrSgnComp = "My Company"
    Const GrSgnLocn = "My Location"
    Const GrSngPhon = "My Phone Number"
    Const SingGrL = "<br><br>"
    Const SingGrE = "</p>"

    The function that will build my new signature:

    Function GralSignature() As String
    Const SignStr = "<span style= 'font-family: Calibri;'>"
    Const SignEnd = "</span>"
        GrlSignNm = GSignHTML1(GrSgnName, 13, False)
        GrlSignCo = GSignHTML1(GrSgnComp, 12, False)
        GrlSignLc = GSignHTML1(GrSgnLocn, 12, False)
        GrlSignPh = GSignHTML1(GrSngPhon, 12, False)
        GrlSignOO = GSignHTML1(Check_Next_OOOs(20), 12, True)
        GrlSigntr = GrlSignNm & GrlSignOO & GrlSignCo & GrlSignLc & GrlSignPh
        GrlSigntr = SignStr & SingGrL & GrlSigntr & SignEnd
    GralSignature = GrlSigntr
    End Function

    Auxiliary function to add formating to the HTML-based text: Function GSignHTML1(StrConvert As String, StrSz As Long, StrBl As Boolean) As String Dim SingGrS As String

    SingGrS = "<p style= 'margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: " & StrSz & ";"
    If StrBl = True Then
        SingGrS = SingGrS & "font-weight: bold;"
    End If
        SingGrS = SingGrS & "'>"
    GSignHTML1 = SingGrS & StrConvert & SingGrE
    End Function

    Function to loop on all my upcoming out-of-office events between the current date and the days I specify (calendar-based). It will retrieve the soonest.

    Function Check_Next_OOOs(VarDays As Long) As String
    Dim OlNSpa_ As NameSpace
    Dim OlMeets As Object
    Dim OlItems As Items
    Dim OlMeet_ As AppointmentItem
    Dim DateStr As Date, DateEnd As Date, StrDStr As String, StrDEnd As String
    Dim DateFlt As String, OOOStr As Date, OOOEnd As Date, SuccFlag As Boolean
    DateStr = Date
    DateEnd = Date + VarDays
    StrDStr = "[START] >= " & Chr(34) & DateStr & Chr(34)
    StrDEnd = "[END] <= " & Chr(34) & DateEnd & Chr(34)
    DateFlt = StrDStr & " AND " & StrDEnd
    Check_Next_OOOs = DateStr & "-" & DateEnd
    Set OlNSpa_ = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set OlMeets = OlNSpa_.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
    Set OlItems = OlMeets.Items.Restrict(DateFlt)
        OlItems.Sort "[START]"
    For Each OlMeet_ In OlItems
        With OlMeet_
            If .BusyStatus = 3 Then
                Debug.Print .Subject, .Start, .End
                OOOStr = .Start
                OOOEnd = .End
                SuccFlag = True
                Exit For
            End If
        End With
    Next OlMeet_
    If SuccFlag = True Then
        If Format(OOOEnd, "hh:mm:ss") = "00:00:00" Then
            OOOEnd = OOOEnd - 1
        End If
    Check_Next_OOOs = Format(OOOStr, "yyyy mmm dd") & " - " & Format(OOOEnd, "yyyy mmm dd")
    Check_Next_OOOs = "OOO " & Check_Next_OOOs
    Else: Check_Next_OOOs = ""
    End If
    End Function

    Finally, the result:

    enter image description here
