I have a custom component that takes the modelValue
prop and emits the update:modelValue
event. In the parent component I pass an array:
<button @click="updateIt">Test</button>
export default {
props: {
modelValue: Array
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(props, {emit}){
return {
emit("update:modelValue", [4,5,6])
<test-component v-model="myArr"/>
<li v-for="i in myArr" v-text="i"></li>
import TestComponent from "./TestComponent.vue";
export default {
components: {
setup(props, {emit}){
const myArr = reactive([1,2,3]);
return {
The list will not get updated when I press the button, why?
Internally, the v-model
directive gets changed to a handler function for the update:modelValue
event that looks something like this:
$event => ((exp => $event)
where exp is the expression in the directive
which basically means, when the update:modelValue
event is emitted, the value you emit is assigned directly to the myArr
variable, effectively replacing the whole reactive
variable without triggering the reactivity chain, because it does not happen through the proxy.
If myArr
would be a ref([])
vue detects it and the handler function looks something like this:
$event => (exp ? (exp).value = $event : null)
where exp is the expression in the directive
which means that the value gets assigned through the ref proxy, triggering the reactivity chain.
But there is no internal logic that checks if the passed expression is an array and if so, does some splice push magic to keep the original variable, you have to do that yourself.
<test-component v-model="myArr.data"/>
const myArr = reactive({
data: [1,2,3]
<test-component v-model="myArr"/>
const myArr = ref([1,2,3]);
<test-component :modelValue="myArr" @update:modelValue="onChange"/>
const myArr = reactive([1,2,3]);
function onChange(newval){
myArr.splice(0, myArr.length, ...newval);