I have the following code; I am getting all the necessary variables and constructing a URL to make an axios put request:
try {
const grant = await axios.put(
'contactId': contactId,
'ipId': this.provider,
'boundLockId': lockId
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
console.log('grantingWasSuccessFul:', grant)
return grant.data
} catch (error) {
console.log('error : ', error)
throw errors.customError(
'Device Error',
Trying to create grant for a user contact returns the error:
ErrorCode: 'General',
ErrorMessage: 'Something went wrong.',
ErrorDetails: null,
UserErrorMessage: null
What could be going wrong?
We are receiving an invalid request body, without a contact id. Currently this throws an 500, which is known and will be fixed soon and will then return a 400 with a proper error message.
Please debug the request body and verify the sent body is valid and a well formatted json and the content-type
is application/json; charset=utf-8