I have an application that runs on the Nokia E71 phone. My questions are:
Can this application run on a Nokia E72 phone without any changes being made to the jad and jar?
If not, what changes would I need to make to the target platforms etc. (on Eclipse) to make it run on the desired phone?
P.S: I am running the application with LWUIT. Please let me know in case any more details are needed.
No need to change the code for Nokia E72. Because both are Symbian S60 3rd Edition and both are having same resolutions. One main different is Nokia E71 having Feature Pack 1 based on Symbian OS v9.2 and Nokia E72 having Feature Pack 2 based on Symbian OS v9.3. If you are testing the application means download separately for both platforms. But AFAIK its not affected your application. Look below technical specification for both,