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CMD Command only works when entered manually but not when used in file

I wanted to use ping -n 1 | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms" to check if a internet connection is possible, before going forward in my code. But it does not work, when used in a file.

When i enter this command in a new command prompt manually it works as expected. When it is used in a file it gets 'kinda stuck' at this line and does nothing, as if it would wait for something that never happens. Any ideas on what this problem is and/or how to approach it? Thanks


  • I would advise for this task that the first line of your looks like this:

    @%SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe -n 1 1>NUL || GoTo :EOF

    This should end the script at the first line if the ping command line is unsuccessful.

    You may additionally want to consider using a timeout function. If you open a Command Prompt window, type ping /? and press the ENTER key, you should note that it has a -w option, which will accept a parameter in milliseconds.