Search code examples

JS question : Search for a string of a small area text inside a large one, print it in a div and color the small string inside the large one in red

Basically I need to create two text boxes one large and one small. Then print inside the div the text of the large text box but wherever the string I wrote in the small text box appears i need to color it with red color by using a span where we will define a red class and by indexof() only

thats what i have so far :

 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <body dir="ltr">
            string 1 
            <input id='string1' type="text" size=10 required>
            string 2
        <textarea id="string2" name="string2" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea></label>
        <button id="search for" onclick="search();" type=button>search for</button>
        <div id='rslt' style='text-align: center;font-size: 1em; font-weight: bolder;' value=""></div>
        function search() 
            let tstring1=(document.getElementById("string1").value.toString().trim());
            let tstring2=(document.getElementById("string2").value.toString().trim());
            if(tstring1==""|| tstring1==" "|| tstring2==""||tstring2==" ")
                document.getElementById("rslt").innerHTML="you have to enter a string";
            while(tstring2.indexOf(tstring1) != -1) {
                tstring2 = tstring2.replace(tstring1, '[X]');
             while(tstring2.indexOf('[X]') != -1) {
                tstring2 = tstring2.replace('[X]', '<span ??>' + tstring1 + '</span>');


  • Here is what you can do

    function search() 
        let tstring1=(document.getElementById("string1").value.toString().trim());
        let tstring2=(document.getElementById("string2").value.toString().trim());
        i = -1;
        index = [];
        while ((i = tstring2.indexOf(tstring1, i+1)) != -1){
        for(let i = 0 ; i < index.length; i++) {
            tstring2 = tstring2.replace(tstring2.substr(index[i],tstring1.length),"<span>" + tstring1 + "<\span>");
        $("#rslt").innerHtml = tstring2;