I want to seed data with EfCore to my Owned Entities who can be nullable
public class RootEntity
protected RootEntity() { }
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public OwnedEntityLevel1? OwnedEntityLevel1 { get; set; } // can be nullable
public class OwnedEntityLevel1
public Guid Id { get; set; }
Model configuration for DbContext:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<RootEntity>(b =>
b.OwnsOne(x => x.OwnedEntityLevel1, ob =>
ob.HasData(RootEntity.All.Select(x => new
{ x.OwnedEntityLevel1?.Id, RootEntityId = x.Id }));
b.HasData(RootEntity.All.Select(x => new { x.Id }));
When i try to create my migration with:
dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context NullableObjectDbContext -o Migrations/NullableObject
i receive the error:
The seed entity for entity type 'OwnedEntityLevel1' cannot be added because no value was provided for the required property 'Id'.
The message oviously is correct. But i do not understand if you could seed nullable objects with .HasData
The data i am trying to seed:
public static RootEntity PredefinedEntity11 { get; } =
new OwnedEntityLevel1
Id = Guid.Parse("8f8eea73-0b43-412a-b0aa-a9338db6e067")
public static RootEntity PredefinedEntity12 { get; } =
null! // When i add this the migration fails with The seed entity for entity type 'OwnedEntityLevel1' cannot be added because no value was provided for the required property 'Id'
public static IReadOnlyList<RootEntity> All { get; } =
new List<RootEntity>(new[] { PredefinedEntity11, PredefinedEntity12 }).AsReadOnly();
I my normal program flow i can add nullable objects without a problem:
var ctx = new NullableObjectDbContext();
var rootEntity = new RootEntity(Guid.NewGuid(), null);
I have created a minimal reproducible example here: https://github.com/enterprisebug/EfCoreHasDataNestedOwnedTypes/tree/main/EfCoreHasDataNestedOwnedTypes/NullableObject
Model data seeding with anonymous types matches properties by both name and type.
In your case, even though the seeding type has property called Id
, its type is different from the type of the Id
property of the seeded entity (Nullable<Guid>
inferred from ?.
operator vs Guid
), hence is not mapped and is generating the confusing error message.
x.OwnedEntityLevel1?.Id, // Guid? Id
RootEntityId = x.Id // Guid RootEntityId
The solution is to generate and populate a Guid Id
property in the anonymous type by first filtering out null
objects, e.g. (null forgiving operator is used to suppress the NRT warning):
.Where(x => x.OwnedEntityLevel1 != null)
.Select(x => new
x.OwnedEntityLevel1!.Id, // Guid Id
RootEntityId = x.Id // Guid RootEntityId