I calculated bond price and stressed bond price (shocking up yield) in both Excel and Python Quantlib. As the following table shows, weird results were generated: base bond price matches well between Excel and Quantlib but the stressed bond prices have more gaps (1.5% relative difference). Yields also show some gaps.
Can you please provide some comments?
Excel Code:
Base Bond Price=PRICE("2021-8-19","2025-8-19",4.5%,YIELD("2021-8-19","2025-8-
Stress Bond Price=PRICE("2021-8-19","2025-8-19",4.5%,YIELD("2021-8-19","2025-8-
Python code:
import datetime
import QuantLib as ql
settlement_date = ql.Date(19,8,2021)
valuation_date = ql.Date(19,8,2021)
issue_date = ql.Date(19,8,2021)
maturity_date = ql.Date(19,8,2025)
tenor = ql.Period(4)
calendar = ql.UnitedStates()
business_convention = ql.Following
date_generation = ql.DateGeneration.Backward
end_month = False
face_value = 100
coupon_rate = 450/10000
day_count = ql.Thirty360(ql.Thirty360.USA)
redemption_value = 100
schedule = ql.Schedule(issue_date, maturity_date, tenor, calendar, business_convention, business_convention, date_generation, end_month)
bond = ql.FixedRateBond(settlement_date-valuation_date, face_value, schedule, [coupon_rate], day_count, business_convention, redemption_value, issue_date)
target_price = 95
bond_yield = bond.bondYield(target_price, day_count, ql.Compounded, 4, ql.Date(), 1.0e-8,1000)
bond_price = bond.cleanPrice(bond_yield, day_count, ql.Compounded, 4)
STRESS = 662
stress_bond_yield = bond_yield+STRESS/10000
stress_bond_price = bond.cleanPrice(stress_bond_yield, day_count, ql.Compounded, 4)
excel_base_bond_price = 99.50
excel_stress_bond_price = 75.02971569
print('Base bond price from excel is', excel_base_bond_price )
print('Base bond price from Quantlib is', bond_price)
print('Stressed bond price from excel is',excel_stress_bond_price)
print('Stressed bond price from Quantlib is',stress_bond_price)
You need to add
ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = valuation_date
before the calculation. If you don't do so, you'll be calculating the yield and price as of today instead of as of the valuation date. Once you do that, the yields and prices match a lot better.