From a device I get following type of hexadecimal value 3305511C0424573C (stored in sql database). I need to get the longitude and latitude out of it.
I also get longitude and latitude value in this format (single precision float):
I know the result is:
I tried to code several conversions in C#, but al the outcomes were not correct.
The data from the sql server:
StreamID = 15620, GPS0 = 3305511C0424573C, GPS1 = 0000000000000000, GPS Longitude = 1083419342, GPS Latitude = 1112302388
label = GPS Longitude, Unit = degrees, DataItemType = Single-Precision Float, Precision = 0, BytePosition = 11 label = GPS Latitude, Unit = degrees, DataItemType = Single-Precision Float, Precision = 0, BytePosition = 12
How the data gets in the sql is an unknown for me.
How I use the coordinates:
<script> var XMarker = L.marker([51.09688, 4.6146]).addTo(mymap); </script>
This is what you need to add in your html or webapplication to get extra markers on your map that is created by leafletjs (link: )
Therefore I need to know the conversion from:
C# answer
public static double GPSCoordinateConversion(string GPSCoordinate)
double coordinate = 0;
byte[] _byte = new byte[GPSCoordinate.Length / 2];
double value1 = 0;
double value2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _byte.Length; i++)
string byteValue = GPSCoordinate.Substring(i * 2, 2);
_byte[i] = byte.Parse(byteValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
value1 = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[2]) / 100;
value2 = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[3]) / 10000;
coordinate = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[0] + ((_byte[1]+value1+value2) / 60));
return coordinate;
public static double GetLatitude(string GPSHexCoordinate)
double latitude = 0;
latitude = GPSCoordinateConversion(GPSHexCoordinate.Substring(0, 8));
return latitude;
public static double GetLongitude(string GPSHexCoordinate)
double longitude = 0;
longitude = GPSCoordinateConversion(GPSHexCoordinate.Substring(8, 8));
return longitude;
The conversion from 3305511C0424573C to longitude = 4.6146 and latitude = 51.09688 is as follows.
Split the 16 character in to two separate strings of 8 characters.
Split the 8 character long string in to a byte array of 4 bytes (2characters long).
The calculation is then as follows: byte[0]+((Byte[1]+(byte[2]/100)+(byte[3]/10000))/60)
Do these steps for longitude and latitude.
public static double GPSCoordinateConversion(string GPSCoordinate)
double coordinate = 0;
byte[] _byte = new byte[GPSCoordinate.Length / 2];
double value1 = 0;
double value2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _byte.Length; i++)
string byteValue = GPSCoordinate.Substring(i * 2, 2);
_byte[i] = byte.Parse(byteValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
value1 = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[2]) / 100;
value2 = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[3]) / 10000;
coordinate = Convert.ToDouble(_byte[0] + ((_byte[1]+value1+value2) / 60));
return coordinate;
public static double GetLatitude(string GPSHexCoordinate)
double latitude = 0;
latitude = GPSCoordinateConversion(GPSHexCoordinate.Substring(0, 8));
return latitude;
public static double GetLongitude(string GPSHexCoordinate)
double longitude = 0;
longitude = GPSCoordinateConversion(GPSHexCoordinate.Substring(8, 8));
return longitude;