We are unable to locate and click at an element with "aria-selected" = "false" on an HTML page. We have tried different way to write xpath locator and css selector but none of them worked. While inspecting a bit more on page, we found that this element has a "aria-selected="false" in it and when we click on it and it shows results then this value changes to "aria-selected="true"
We have tried with below xpath:
Note: Even though it does not matter which framework, we are using to use this element. However i would like to mention that, we have been trying it for two separate framework such as
The ariaSelected property of the Element interface reflects the value of the aria-selected
attribute, which indicates the current "selected" state of elements that have a selected state.
Value: A DOMString with one of the following values:
Selected/unselected state of this WebElement attribute doesn't effects your tests.
To locate the element you can you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
("//span[@class='tab-button-text' and contains(text(),'Orders')]")
("div.tabbar.show-tabbar > a.tab-button.has-title.has-icon span.tab-button-text")