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Error creating mediaconvert job for HLS output with mp4, mp3 and SRT as input

I'm trying to write a Go code to create a job on MediaConvert that take as input an MP4 video, some MP3 used as different audio track and some SRT file used for captions.

My Go code generated this JSON that is sent to AWS:

    "clientRequestToken": "---",
    "role": "---",
    "settings": {
        "inputs": [{
            "audioSelectors": {
                "ENG": {
                    "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
                    "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample1.mp3",
                    "languageCode": "ENG",
                    "offset": 0,
                    "programSelection": 1,
                    "selectorType": "TRACK"
                "SPA": {
                    "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
                    "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample3.mp3",
                    "languageCode": "SPA",
                    "offset": 0,
                    "programSelection": 1,
                    "selectorType": "TRACK"
                "floor": {
                    "defaultSelection": "DEFAULT",
                    "offset": 0,
                    "programSelection": 1
            "captionSelectors": {
                "ENG": {
                    "languageCode": "ENG",
                    "sourceSettings": {
                        "fileSourceSettings": {
                            "sourceFile": "s3://mybucket/test/"
                        "sourceType": "SRT"
                "SPA": {
                    "languageCode": "SPA",
                    "sourceSettings": {
                        "fileSourceSettings": {
                            "sourceFile": "s3://mybucket/test/"
                        "sourceType": "SRT"
            "deblockFilter": "DISABLED",
            "denoiseFilter": "DISABLED",
            "fileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/video.mp4",
            "filterEnable": "AUTO",
            "psiControl": "USE_PSI",
            "timecodeSource": "EMBEDDED",
            "videoSelector": {
                "alphaBehavior": "DISCARD",
                "colorSpace": "FOLLOW",
                "rotate": "DEGREE_0"
        "outputGroups": [{
            "name": "Apple HLS",
            "outputGroupSettings": {
                "hlsGroupSettings": {
                    "captionLanguageSetting": "OMIT",
                    "clientCache": "ENABLED",
                    "codecSpecification": "RFC_4281",
                    "destination": "s3://mybucket/1/encoded",
                    "directoryStructure": "SINGLE_DIRECTORY",
                    "manifestCompression": "NONE",
                    "manifestDurationFormat": "INTEGER",
                    "minSegmentLength": 0,
                    "outputSelection": "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS",
                    "programDateTime": "EXCLUDE",
                    "programDateTimePeriod": 600,
                    "segmentControl": "SEGMENTED_FILES",
                    "segmentLength": 5,
                    "streamInfResolution": "INCLUDE",
                    "timedMetadataId3Period": 10
                "type": "HLS_GROUP_SETTINGS"
            "outputs": [{
                "audioDescriptions": [{
                        "audioSourceName": "floor",
                        "codecSettings": {
                            "aacSettings": {
                                "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                                "bitrate": 96000,
                                "codecProfile": "LC",
                                "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                                "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                                "rawFormat": "NONE",
                                "sampleRate": 48000,
                                "specification": "MPEG4"
                            "codec": "AAC"
                        "languageCode": "FOLLOW_INPUT"
                        "audioSourceName": "ENG",
                        "codecSettings": {
                            "aacSettings": {
                                "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                                "bitrate": 96000,
                                "codecProfile": "LC",
                                "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                                "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                                "rawFormat": "NONE",
                                "sampleRate": 48000,
                                "specification": "MPEG4"
                            "codec": "AAC"
                        "languageCode": "FOLLOW_INPUT"
                        "audioSourceName": "SPA",
                        "codecSettings": {
                            "aacSettings": {
                                "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                                "bitrate": 96000,
                                "codecProfile": "LC",
                                "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                                "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                                "rawFormat": "NONE",
                                "sampleRate": 48000,
                                "specification": "MPEG4"
                            "codec": "AAC"
                        "languageCode": "FOLLOW_INPUT"
                "captionDescriptions": [{
                        "captionSelectorName": "ENG",
                        "destinationSettings": {
                            "destinationType": "EMBEDDED"
                        "captionSelectorName": "SPA",
                        "destinationSettings": {
                            "destinationType": "EMBEDDED"
                "containerSettings": {
                    "container": "M3U8",
                    "m3u8Settings": {}
                "extension": "m3u8",
                "nameModifier": "1",
                "outputSettings": {
                    "hlsSettings": {
                        "audioGroupId": "program_audio",
                        "audioOnlyContainer": "AUTOMATIC",
                        "iFrameOnlyManifest": "EXCLUDE"
                "videoDescription": {
                    "afdSignaling": "NONE",
                    "antiAlias": "ENABLED",
                    "codecSettings": {
                        "codec": "H_264",
                        "h264Settings": {
                            "adaptiveQuantization": "HIGH",
                            "codecLevel": "AUTO",
                            "codecProfile": "MAIN",
                            "dynamicSubGop": "STATIC",
                            "entropyEncoding": "CABAC",
                            "fieldEncoding": "PAFF",
                            "flickerAdaptiveQuantization": "DISABLED",
                            "framerateControl": "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE",
                            "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "DUPLICATE_DROP",
                            "gopBReference": "DISABLED",
                            "gopClosedCadence": 0,
                            "gopSize": 90,
                            "gopSizeUnits": "FRAMES",
                            "interlaceMode": "PROGRESSIVE",
                            "maxBitrate": 5000000,
                            "minIInterval": 0,
                            "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 2,
                            "numberReferenceFrames": 3,
                            "parControl": "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE",
                            "qualityTuningLevel": "SINGLE_PASS",
                            "rateControlMode": "QVBR",
                            "repeatPps": "DISABLED",
                            "sceneChangeDetect": "ENABLED",
                            "slices": 1,
                            "slowPal": "DISABLED",
                            "softness": 0,
                            "spatialAdaptiveQuantization": "ENABLED",
                            "syntax": "DEFAULT",
                            "telecine": "NONE",
                            "temporalAdaptiveQuantization": "ENABLED",
                            "unregisteredSeiTimecode": "DISABLED"
                    "colorMetadata": "INSERT",
                    "dropFrameTimecode": "ENABLED",
                    "respondToAfd": "NONE",
                    "scalingBehavior": "DEFAULT",
                    "sharpness": 50,
                    "timecodeInsertion": "DISABLED"
        "timecodeConfig": {
            "source": "ZEROBASED"
    "tags": {
        "Env": "dev"

My problem is that rest api return error 400 bad request with message:

"message" : "The request could not be interpreted.","settingsValidationErrorsJsonBlob" : ""

Can someone gives me some advice to understand which could be the problem?

Thank you!


  • I converted your JSON to pascal case and tested via the AWS CLI then I converted my result back to camel case.

    It looks like you have some extraneous text at the beginning and end of the JSON. After removing the following bits from the top:

      "clientRequestToken": "---",
      "role": "---",

    and the following from the bottom:

      "tags": {
        "Env": "dev"

    I received a different error:

    An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the CreateJob operation: The request could not be interpreted.

    I noticed you've also got some contradictory parameters in your input audio selectors. I assume you're trying to set the language codes within the audio selector declarations. Here's one of the audio selectors, to highlight what I'm talking about:

                    "ENG": {
                        "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
                        "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample1.mp3",
                        "languageCode": "ENG",
                        "offset": 0,
                        "programSelection": 1,
                        "selectorType": "TRACK"

    "languageCode": "ENG" is telling MediaConvert that you want to extract the ENG track from the audio source file, however you've also declared "selectorType": "TRACK" which is telling MediaConvert that you want to extract audio by track number. Since you specified a track selector type, I assume you actually just want to pull off track 1 from the audio file and modified the audio selectors to look like this:

            "ENG": {
              "tracks": [
              "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
              "selectorType": "TRACK",
              "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample1.mp3"

    If you actually did intend to use the ENG track, then that stanza should look like this:

              "ENG": {
                "DefaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
                "SelectorType": "LANGUAGE_CODE",
                "ExternalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample1.mp3",
                "LanguageCode": "ENG"

    Lastly, I moved the language codes to the outputs for the ENG and SPA audio tracks, which is where you would need to call them out. Also note that FOLLOW_INPUT is not valid for LanguageCode, so I've changed those keys to LanguageCodeControl. Here's the working JSON:

      "inputs": [
          "audioSelectors": {
            "ENG": {
              "tracks": [
              "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
              "selectorType": "TRACK",
              "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample1.mp3"
            "SPA": {
              "tracks": [
              "defaultSelection": "NOT_DEFAULT",
              "selectorType": "TRACK",
              "externalAudioFileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/sample3.mp3"
            "floor": {
              "defaultSelection": "DEFAULT"
          "captionSelectors": {
            "ENG": {
              "languageCode": "ENG",
              "sourceSettings": {
                "fileSourceSettings": {
                  "sourceFile": "s3://mybucket/test/"
                "sourceType": "SRT"
            "SPA": {
              "languageCode": "SPA",
              "sourceSettings": {
                "fileSourceSettings": {
                  "sourceFile": "s3://mybucket/test/"
                "sourceType": "SRT"
          "deblockFilter": "DISABLED",
          "denoiseFilter": "DISABLED",
          "fileInput": "s3://mybucket/test/video.mp4",
          "filterEnable": "AUTO",
          "psiControl": "USE_PSI",
          "timecodeSource": "EMBEDDED",
          "videoSelector": {
            "alphaBehavior": "DISCARD",
            "colorSpace": "FOLLOW",
            "rotate": "DEGREE_0"
      "outputGroups": [
          "name": "Apple HLS",
          "outputGroupSettings": {
            "hlsGroupSettings": {
              "captionLanguageSetting": "OMIT",
              "clientCache": "ENABLED",
              "codecSpecification": "RFC_4281",
              "destination": "s3://mybucket/1/encoded",
              "directoryStructure": "SINGLE_DIRECTORY",
              "manifestCompression": "NONE",
              "manifestDurationFormat": "INTEGER",
              "minSegmentLength": 0,
              "outputSelection": "MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS",
              "programDateTime": "EXCLUDE",
              "programDateTimePeriod": 600,
              "segmentControl": "SEGMENTED_FILES",
              "segmentLength": 5,
              "streamInfResolution": "INCLUDE",
              "timedMetadataId3Period": 10
            "type": "HLS_GROUP_SETTINGS"
          "outputs": [
              "audioDescriptions": [
                  "audioSourceName": "floor",
                  "codecSettings": {
                    "aacSettings": {
                      "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                      "bitrate": 96000,
                      "codecProfile": "LC",
                      "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                      "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                      "rawFormat": "NONE",
                      "sampleRate": 48000,
                      "specification": "MPEG4"
                    "codec": "AAC"
                  "languageCodeControl": "FOLLOW_INPUT"
                  "audioSourceName": "ENG",
                  "codecSettings": {
                    "aacSettings": {
                      "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                      "bitrate": 96000,
                      "codecProfile": "LC",
                      "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                      "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                      "rawFormat": "NONE",
                      "sampleRate": 48000,
                      "specification": "MPEG4"
                    "codec": "AAC"
                  "languageCode": "ENG"
                  "audioSourceName": "SPA",
                  "codecSettings": {
                    "aacSettings": {
                      "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": "NORMAL",
                      "bitrate": 96000,
                      "codecProfile": "LC",
                      "codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
                      "rateControlMode": "CBR",
                      "rawFormat": "NONE",
                      "sampleRate": 48000,
                      "specification": "MPEG4"
                    "codec": "AAC"
                  "languageCode": "SPA"
              "captionDescriptions": [
                  "captionSelectorName": "ENG",
                  "destinationSettings": {
                    "destinationType": "EMBEDDED"
                  "captionSelectorName": "SPA",
                  "destinationSettings": {
                    "destinationType": "EMBEDDED"
              "containerSettings": {
                "container": "M3U8",
                "m3u8Settings": {}
              "extension": "m3u8",
              "nameModifier": "1",
              "outputSettings": {
                "hlsSettings": {
                  "audioGroupId": "program_audio",
                  "audioOnlyContainer": "AUTOMATIC",
                  "iFrameOnlyManifest": "EXCLUDE"
              "videoDescription": {
                "afdSignaling": "NONE",
                "antiAlias": "ENABLED",
                "codecSettings": {
                  "codec": "H_264",
                  "h264Settings": {
                    "adaptiveQuantization": "HIGH",
                    "codecLevel": "AUTO",
                    "codecProfile": "MAIN",
                    "dynamicSubGop": "STATIC",
                    "entropyEncoding": "CABAC",
                    "fieldEncoding": "PAFF",
                    "flickerAdaptiveQuantization": "DISABLED",
                    "framerateControl": "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE",
                    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "DUPLICATE_DROP",
                    "gopBReference": "DISABLED",
                    "gopClosedCadence": 0,
                    "gopSize": 90,
                    "gopSizeUnits": "FRAMES",
                    "interlaceMode": "PROGRESSIVE",
                    "maxBitrate": 5000000,
                    "minIInterval": 0,
                    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 2,
                    "numberReferenceFrames": 3,
                    "parControl": "INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE",
                    "qualityTuningLevel": "SINGLE_PASS",
                    "rateControlMode": "QVBR",
                    "repeatPps": "DISABLED",
                    "sceneChangeDetect": "ENABLED",
                    "slices": 1,
                    "slowPal": "DISABLED",
                    "softness": 0,
                    "spatialAdaptiveQuantization": "ENABLED",
                    "syntax": "DEFAULT",
                    "telecine": "NONE",
                    "temporalAdaptiveQuantization": "ENABLED",
                    "unregisteredSeiTimecode": "DISABLED"
                "colorMetadata": "INSERT",
                "dropFrameTimecode": "ENABLED",
                "respondToAfd": "NONE",
                "scalingBehavior": "DEFAULT",
                "sharpness": 50,
                "timecodeInsertion": "DISABLED"
      "timecodeConfig": {
        "source": "ZEROBASED"