I'd like to use Cloudflare's HTMLRewriter to modify a <p> tag with some text, and modify an <img> tag with a different src.
I've read the docs here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/runtime-apis/html-rewriter but I cannot find any examples addressing re-writing multiple different elements.
I'm using Cloudflare Pages Functions so as far as I can tell I do need to do all of this in the same file.
My code currently looks like this, to just do the re-write on the <p> tag. It works, but I'd like to update a weather icon as well in the menu bar.
// ./functions/index.js
export const onRequestGet = async ({ request, next }) => {
// Get the static asset response
const response = await next()
const { latitude, longitude, city, country, timezone } = request.cf
let endpoint = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?"
endpoint += "lat=" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&appid=APPID"
const init = {
headers: {
// "User-Agent" : "EMAIL",
const responseWeather = await fetch(endpoint,init)
const content = await responseWeather.json()
const currd = new Date()
var humanTime = currd.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { timeZone: timezone })
//Get the value from the object
const currentTempC = content.main.temp
const weatherDescription = content.weather[0].description
const currentTempF = Math.round(((9/5)* (currentTempC - 273)) + 32)
var currentTempLocal
var degreesSymbol
switch(country) {
case "US":
case "BS":
case "KY":
case "LR":
case "PW":
case "FM":
case "MH":
currentTempLocal = currentTempF
degreesSymbol = "°F"
currentTempLocal = currentTempC
degreesSymbol = "°C"
const weatherString = "At " + humanTime + " in " + city + "there's " + weatherDescription + " and the temperature is " + currentTempLocal + degreesSymbol + "."
// var errorReport = timezone + "\n" + humanTime + "\n" + JSON.stringify(context)
// Find the placeholder in our static asset
return new HTMLRewriter().on('#weather', {
// And act on the element
element(element) {
// https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/runtime-apis/html-rewriter#methods
element.setInnerContent(weatherString, { html: true })
} catch (thrown){
return new Response(thrown);
This should be as simple as chaining another .on
method to your HTMLRewritter
like so -
return new HTMLRewriter().on('#weather', {
element(element) {
// first handler
}).on('img', {
element(element) {
// second handler