I hope this is clear, I need to import a JS file in HTML file. So I'm using src
attribute like this :
<script src="my/js/file/1.js">
<!-- Some JS script here -->
But there is a thing... In my JS file, line 1, there is a require("another/file.js")
... So I got an error in my browser console : require is not defined
. How to solve it ?
I'll try to be more clear :
I got 3 files, 1 HTML & 2 JS
The script tag above is in my html file.
In the src file, I need to import a 2nd JS file with require("my/js/file/2.js"
And it's working if i'm not using src
But I got a error msg in console when I add src attribute
is a built-in function provided by JS environments that support a couple of different kinds of modules, so how you load your JS file into a browser depends on what type of module system it is written to use.
The most likely cases are:
<input type="file">
)Find out which of those options it is before you start trying to implement one of these solutions (all of which will take some time and effort that you don't want to waste).
Reading the documentation for a module will usually tell you. If you get it from NPM and it doesn't mention being browser compatible then it is probably Node.js only.