I'm trying to learn how to make apps with xamarin forms. I'm using a M1 Macbook pro, and when I open Visual Studio, it says I have to uninstall my latest versions of .NET (I have .NET6), I read that .NET 3.1, 5, and 6 are not compatible with visual studio on Mac. I'm kind of new to Xamarin and using Visual Studio, so how can I make this app without the latest versions? Do I have to use .NET2? Does it still support cross-platform? I want to use xamarin, so is there a solution?
Install Visual Studio 2022 for Mac preview
After it is done installing make sure to install the .NET6 workloads:
sudo dotnet workload install android
sudo dotnet workload install ios
That should be more or less it.
You can also use the maui-check tool as an alternative, just make sure you are running .NET6:
dotnet tool install -g Redth.Net.Maui.Check