I need to determine whether all elements of an array are exactly the same. I'd like this to play nice with all data-types as well, Object/String/Int/etc.
Is there an easy way to do this in PowerShell?
function Test-ArrayElementsEqual {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline)]
$test = $null
foreach ($item in $Array) {
$test = $item
if($test -ne $item){
return $false
return $true
This is what I have now, but I have a feeling it's a broken implementation, and that there is something more elegant.
Any help would be great.
I put together a pretty good utility function for this since last posting. It supports objects, arrays, all numerical data-types, XML, etc.
Here's the code:
As in my comment, for simple comparisons you can use what Lee_Dailey proposed in his comment only adding a type comparison which can be accomplished by the use of .GetType()
This function
will return $true
if all elements are of the same type and same value and will return the index
and expected value / type of the first element that is not of the same type or does not have the same value.
function Test-ArrayElementsEqual {
param (
$refVal = $InputObject[0]
$refType = $refVal.GetType()
$index = 0
foreach($element in $InputObject)
if($element -isnot $refType)
"Different Type at Position $index. Expected Type was {0}." -f $refType.FullName
if($element -ne $refVal)
"Different Value at Position $index. Expected Value was $refVal."
Test Examples
$arr1 = 123, 123, '123'
$arr2 = 123, 345, 123
$arr3 = 'test', 'test', 'test'
PS /> Test-ArrayElementsEqual $arr1
Different Type at Position 2. Expected Type was System.Int32.
PS /> Test-ArrayElementsEqual $arr2
Different Value at Position 1. Expected Value was 123.
PS /> Test-ArrayElementsEqual $arr3
If you're looking for a way of comparing if different objects are the same you might find useful information on the answers of this question: Prevent adding pscustomobject to array if already exists