I have this script that replaces text in a Google Doc using info from a Google Spreadsheet.
The input is a cell inside a Google Sheet that has soft line breaks.
I would like to convert those soft line breaks into hard line breaks.
Solution so far
I'm able to find the soft line break I write on the Google Spreadsheet by searching for /\n/g. However when I try to replace \n with \r I'm still getting soft line breaks.
demo_content = ss.getRangeByName("SectionContentsDemo").getValue().toString().replace(/\n/g,'\r\n'),
template_doc_body.replaceText("{{Section Contents - Demo}}", demo_content);
I'm able to validate that it's a soft line break instead of a hard one because all the lines in the Google Doc paragraph are indented, as a soft line break would behave.
Anyone has an idea on how to replace the soft line breaks into hard ones?
From your following script in your question and your sample input and output situations,
demo_content = ss.getRangeByName("SectionContentsDemo").getValue().toString().replace(/\n/g,'\r\n'),
template_doc_body.replaceText("{{Section Contents - Demo}}", demo_content);
I thought that when the value including the line break is replaced with {{Section Contents - Demo}}
in your Google Document, the indent might be changed after 2nd line. So, in this case, how about using Docs API? When the Docs API is used, a sample script is as follows.
Before you use this script, please enable Docs API at Advanced Google services.
function myFunction() {
var template_id = '###'; // Please set your template Google Document ID.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var value = ss.getRangeByName("SectionContentsDemo").getValue();
var documentId = DriveApp.getFileById(template_id).makeCopy().getId();
requests: [
replaceAllText: {
replaceText: value,
containsText: { matchCase: true, text: "{{Section Contents - Demo}}" }
}, documentId);
of Spreadsheet, and the retrieved value is replaced with {{Section Contents - Demo}}
in the document. In this case, it seems that the indent is followed to {{Section Contents - Demo}}