I am using bts from https://www.npmjs.com/package/@datastructures-js/binary-search-tree. I don't want to go through the whole tree using traverseInOrder method , how can I stop and go out of function after the condtition is true?
bts.traverseInOrder((node) => {
if (condition) return;
No, there is no early exit feature foreseen in that method.
You can still raise an error and capture it:
try {
bts.traverseInOrder(node => {
if (condition) throw new Error("exit");
} catch(e) {
if (e?.message != "exit") throw e; // It was a different error
Or else, define your own method. And in that case I would suggest the more modern generator-pattern instead of the callback pattern:
// Extend the API with this generator
Object.assign(BinarySearchTree.prototype, {
*iterateInOrder() {
function* iterateRecursive(current) {
if (current === null) return;
yield* iterateRecursive(current.getLeft());
yield current;
yield* iterateRecursive(current.getRight());
yield* iterateRecursive(this._root);
And now you can use a for .. of
for (let node of bst.iterateInOrder()) {
if (condition) break;