I have implemented globalization using RESX files in my winform project using the .NET C# 4.7.2 framework. The current RESX files are used for Labels, now I need to have another resource file for Error messages.
I'm not sure how can I create different resource files "ABC.Error.Resources.cs-CZ.resx" and "ABC.Label.Resources.cs-CZ.resx" in the same project, as the resource DLL's are created for the respective language labels only.
My Solution structure is:
----Resources(folder containing label resource files)
Any help is appreciated
Found two approaches to solve above-mentioned problem.
using "CreateFileBasedResourceManager" from "ResourceManager" class of .NET framework
step 1: Convert ".RESX" file to ".resources" file using "resgen.exe" from .NET framework.
Step 2: use below method to get the data from the resources file
static string ReadResourceValue(string file, string key)
string resourceValue = string.Empty;
string resourceFile = file;
string filePath = "ConsoleApp1.en-GB.resources";
ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager(resourceFile, filePath, null);
// retrieve the value of the specified key
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-IN");
resourceValue = resourceManager.GetString(key, ci);
catch (Exception ex)
resourceValue = string.Empty;
return resourceValue;
using "ResXResourceSet" from System.Resources class of .NET framework.
static string ReadResourceFromFile()
string resxFile = "Resources\ConsoleApp1.en-GB.resx";
string retValue = string.Empty;
using (ResXResourceSet resxSet = new ResXResourceSet(resxFile))
// Retrieve the string resource for the title.
retValue = resxSet.GetString("Test1");
return retValue;
Hope this will help someone in future.