I have situation where I am deploying some chart, let's call it "myChart".
Let's suppose I have a pipeline, where I am doing below:
helm delete myChart_1.2 -n <myNamespace>
An right after I am installing new one:
helm delete myChart_1.3 -n <myNamespace>
Does Kubernetes or maybe Helm knows that all the resources should be deleted first and then install new?
For instance there might be some PVC and PV that are still not deleted. Is there any problem with that, should I add some waits before deployment?
Helm delete (aka. uninstall) should remove the objects managed in a given deployment, before exiting.
Still, when the command returns: you could be left with resources in a Terminating state, pending actual deletion.
Usually, we could find about PVC, that may still be attached to a running container.
Or objects such as ReplicaSet or Pods -- most likely, your Helm chart installs Deployments, DaemonSets, StatefulSets, ... top-level objects may appear to be deleted, while their child objects are still being terminated.
Although this shouldn't be an issue for Helm, assuming that your application is installed using a generated name, and as long as your chart is able to create multiple instances of a same application, in a same cluster/namespace, ... without them overlapping ( => if all resources managed through Helm have unique names, which is not always the case ).
If your chart is hosted on a public repository, let us know what to check. And if you're not one of the maintainer for that chart: beware that Helm charts could go from amazing to very bad, depending on who's contributing, what use cases have been met so far, ...