I'm trying to make a chess engine desktop app with an ui component to it.
The game() method that I mention is a simple while loop that allows me to ask for moves in algebraic notation and make the moves if they are valid ones.
I have the following main and my problem is that if I uncomment and run the game() method inside the classe it wont start the App window, and if I instead try to uncomment the same method but from outside the Window it still wont start the desktop App. On the other hand if i run it has it is, it will start the UI window.
fun main() = application {
Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, icon = painterResource("black_knight.png"), title = "Chess") {
fun ui() {
var squarePair = false
Row {
Column {
for (n in 8 downTo 1) {
Row {
"" + n,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.width(SIZE_TILE),
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
squarePair = boardLines(n, squarePair)
Row {
Text(" ", textAlign = TextAlign.Center, modifier = Modifier.width(SIZE_TILE))
for (n in 0..7) {
"" + ('A' + n),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.width(SIZE_TILE),
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
Column {
Text(" Play", textAlign = TextAlign.Center, fontSize = 30.sp)
var move = ""
//var move by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
value = move,
onValueChange = { move = it },
label = { Text("Move") },
maxLines = 1,
textStyle = TextStyle(color = Color.Black, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold),
modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp)
fun board(n: Int, i: Int){
var team = ""
if(utils.isWhite(BOARD[n-1][i-1])) team = TEAM[0]
if(utils.isBlack(BOARD[n-1][i-1])) team = TEAM[1]
for(k in LOWER_CASE_LETTERS.indices) {
if (BOARD[n-1][i-1] == LOWER_CASE_LETTERS[k] || BOARD[n-1][i-1] == UPPER_CASE_LETTERS[k]) {
Image(painter = painterResource(team + "_" + PIECES[k] + ".png"), contentDescription = PIECES[k])
Im new to compose and I can't figure out whats the problem, expecially since im trying to run the method outside the Window
I'm no expert, but I'll try my best to help.
stops.fun main() = application { ... }
I suspect, that initiating the application is similar to initiating the Window, so it also won't start, untill the game()
is over.You should try putting game()
in a seperate thread. Something like this should work:
fun() main = application {
Window( ... ){
Thread {
P.S. I'm also very new to compose. And kinda new to programming. And really, really sorry for all the gross oversimplifications I made.
P.P.S. You could add a TextField to your app and use Button's onClick parameter to call a move checking function. Wouldn't need to play with Threads and coroutines then. And you could also use Buttons for the board squares, cause you can assign them a background and an image. If you would need help with any of that - HMU.