I have a simple lerna project like:
+-- packages
| |
| +-- shared
| | |
| | +-- src
| | |
| | +-- index.ts
| | +-- someDir
| |
| +-- usesShared
My index.ts has entries like:
export * from "./someDir";
When I import a class from someDir in a "usesShared" class, I am having to put /src at the end of the import like:
import {GreatClass} from "myShared/src";
I am new to Typescript, javascript, & lerna but this seems wrong to me. It seems like it should just be:
import {GreatClass} from "myShared";
Can someone point me towards how to fix this? Does this have something to do with lerna or am I missing something in package.json?
In "shared" or "myShared" (not sure what you named it), create index.ts
export * from "./src";
To import the class from usesShared
import { GreatClass } from "../myShared";