Is there a way to export a json like this:
"address": [
"address": [
I'd like to get something like this:
In short:
array field string values has to be mapped joining its values using "|" character. Example: "string-value1|string-value2"
array field objects have to be mapped to "n-field-header"
. Example: "identifier0_system","identifier0_value","identifier1_system","identifier1_value","identifier2_system","identifier2_value,..."
Any ideas?
Try this
jq -r '[
(.meta | .versionId, .lastUpdated),
(.address | join("|")),
(.identifier[] | .system, .value)
] | @csv'
To prepend a header row with the number of identifierX_system
and identifierX_value
field pairs in it matching the length of the input's longest identifier
array, try this
jq -rs '[
"meta_versionId", "meta_lastUpdated",
range([.[].identifier | length] | max)
| "identifier\(.)_system", "identifier\(.)_value"
], (.[] | [
(.meta | .versionId, .lastUpdated),
(.address | join("|")),
(.identifier[] | .system, .value)
]) | @csv'