Usings the OpenLiberty sessionCache-1.0 feature with HazelCast enables you to easily persist and share session data in a HazelCast in-memory cluster as explained here:
However in this setup session data is stored internally in the maps named:[app-context-root] &[app-context-root] as indicated here (I don't see the OpenLiberty docs clearly specifying this though)
This prevents different apps (with different context-roots) to share session data since they are writing and reading session data from different named maps.
Is there a way to overwrite this name to enable apps with different context-roots to read write from the same map to share session data?
I was going over the httpSession- and httpSessionCache-properties in the OpenLiberty docs but could not find any attribute supporting such a thing.
To share session between different Web apps within the same EAR, you can use shared-session-context in ibm-application-ext.xml to enable all Web apps use the same session context-root.
Here's an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application-ext version="1.1"
<shared-session-context value="true"/>