is there any reason for a jacoco coverage report to produce different results when running it in a CI environment?
I have the following situation after migrating to Java 17. when I run ./gradlew clean build
the report is generated and the jacocoTestCoverageVerification
doesnt fail.
But when the same command is executed in a github runner I have a very different result, the coverage report is also created with different coverage values and some classes just fail the coverage verification.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide code snippets but I already tried this:
So it seems that something in a github action env produces this behavior.
The problem here was lombok config files. It turns out that the new version of lombok plugin compatible with java 17 and Gradle 7.3 does not generate the lombok.config
files anymore.
In the previous version, these files were generated by io.freefair.lombok
plugin, and we had them in .gitignore. Because of that, a local build worked just fine, since the files were still there.
I realized this by looking at the generated reports and I noticed that lombok classes were being analyzed only by the CI.
In other cases, a similar problem could be related to this: