I'm trying to make a little method to recicle the code related to retrieve some data to make it easy to use i need to make the resulting table records accessible, so i tried to make a CustomTable with a CustomRecord.
to make more clear what i'm trying to do i write down a little sample as what i tried:
public MyCustomTable getTableReusable(final DSLContext ctx,
final Profile profile, final LocalDate date) {
final Table<Table1Record> tab1 = Table1.TABLE1.as("a");
final Table<Table2Record> tab2 = tab2.TABLE2.as("b");
return ctx.select(table1.field(tab1.ID).as(MyCustomTable.TAB1_ID),
.on(tab1.field(Table1.ID).eq(tab2.field(Table2.TAB1_FK))) //
At the time it's impossible to cast this table to the custom table with all the field setted in the select method. In custom table i even make the CustomRecord with all the record exposed.
Exist a way to make me return the data in my customTable?
I'm assuming you'd liek to have an object that behaves like any other generated table, but have it correspond to a dynamically constructed jOOQ query. A view expressed in jOOQ, if you like.
There's currently no easy way to achieve that. Pending feature requests include:
For now, you have to return a Table<?>
instance, which lacks type safety, or just implement your view or table valued function directly in SQL and let the jOOQ code generator pick it up.