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autowired ObjectMapper is null during @DataJpaTest

I want to test my implementation for AttributeConverter using @DataJpaTest.

test code

@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class FooRepositoryTest {

    private FooRepository repository;

    void getPojoTest(){
        FooEntity fooEnity= repository.findById("foo");
        FooPojo fooPojo = fooEntity.getJsonPojo()
        //some assertion



public class FooEntity{


    @Column(columnDefinition= "JSON")
    @Convert(converter = FooConverter.class)
    private FooPojo data;


Attribute Converter

public class FooConverter implements AttributeConverter<FooPojo, String> {

    private ObjectMapper mapper;

    public String convertToDatabaseColumn(FooPojo attribute) {
        return mapper.writeValueAsString(attribute);

    public FooPojo convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
        return mapper.readValue(dbData, FooPojo.class);

with my code above, when I run getPojoTest(), the @autowired OjbectMapper in Converter is null. When I try the same test with @SpringBootTest instead, it works just fine. I wonder is there any walk-around to use @DataJpaTest and ObjectMapper together.


  • A better alternative compared to creating your own ObjectMapper is adding the @AutoConfigureJson annotation:

    @AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
    public void FooRepositoryTest {

    This is also what @JsonTest uses.