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react router v6 navigate outside of components

In react-router v5 i created history object like this:

import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
export const history = createBrowserHistory();

And then passed it to the Router:

import { Router, Switch, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";
<Router history={history}>
 ... my routes

I did it for the opportunity to usage history outside of component:

   // store action
    logout() {
        this.user = null;

This way I moved the logic to the store and the components were kept as clean as possible. But now, in react router v6 i cant do the same. I can still navigate using useNavigate() inside my component, but i cannot create a navigate to use its into my store. Is there any alternative?


  • Well, it turns out you can duplicate the behavior if you implement a custom router that instantiates the history state in the same manner as RRDv6 routers.

    Examine the BrowserRouter implementation for example:

    export function BrowserRouter({
    }: BrowserRouterProps) {
      let historyRef = React.useRef<BrowserHistory>();
      if (historyRef.current == null) {
        historyRef.current = createBrowserHistory({ window });
      let history = historyRef.current;
      let [state, setState] = React.useState({
        action: history.action,
        location: history.location
      React.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history]);
      return (

    Create a CustomRouter that consumes a custom history object and manages the state:

    const CustomRouter = ({ history, ...props }) => {
      const [state, setState] = useState({
        action: history.action,
        location: history.location
      useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history]);
      return (

    This effectively proxies the custom history object into the Router and manages the navigation state.

    From here you swap in the CustomRouter with custom history object for the existing Router imported from react-router-dom.

    export default function App() {
      return (
        <CustomRouter history={history}>
          <div className="App">
              <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
              <Route path="/profile" element={<Profile />} />


    react-router-dom@6 surfaces a history router.


    <unstable_HistoryRouter> takes an instance of the history library as prop. This allows you to use that instance in non-React contexts or as a global variable.

    import { unstable_HistoryRouter as HistoryRouter } from "react-router-dom";
    import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
    const history = createBrowserHistory({ window });
      <HistoryRouter history={history}>
        {/* The rest of your app goes here */}

    There is this note:

    This API is currently prefixed as unstable_ because you may unintentionally add two versions of the history library to your app, the one you have added to your package.json and whatever version React Router uses internally. If it is allowed by your tooling, it's recommended to not add history as a direct dependency and instead rely on the nested dependency from the react-router package. Once we have a mechanism to detect mis-matched versions, this API will remove its unstable_ prefix.

    Notes on RRDv6.4+

    If you are using RRDv6.4+ and not using the Data routers the good-ish news is that unstable_HistoryRouter is still being exported through at least RRDv6.23.0. You can follow along the filed issue in the repo here.

    If you are using the Data routers then the new "unstable" method is to use an attached navigate function from the router object directly.


    import { createBrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
    const router = createBrowserRouter(...);
    router.navigate(targetPath, options);