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C# pre initialized class

What is the best practice to create pre-initialized class. For example

Chip chip = new Atmega8();

I would like to have its properties already defined like:

chip.Name = "Atmega8 AVR Chip";

and so on.

How to achieve it in C#?
Should I use readonly public properties or property with private set?


  • Have your constructor initialize the values:

    class Atmega8 {
        public Atmega8 ()
            Name = "Atmega8 AVR Chip";
        public string Name { get; set; }

    If you intend Name to be the same for all instances, it might make sense to declare it abstract in the base class and override the getter:

    abstract class Chip {
        public abstract string Name { get; }
    class Atmega8 : Chip {
        public override string Name {
            get { return "Atmega8 AVR Chip"; }

    Because we haven't defined a set method, the value cannot be changed, much like a readonly variable except it isn't even stored anywhere and just returned on each call.