Is there a jQuery like JAVA/Android library that uses CSS Selectors to parse the XML ?
Like :
String desc = myXML.find("bloc[type=pro]").get(0).attr("description");
Chainability is also what I'm looking for, in the same way of jQuery...
I hope this exists !
Since there are some bugs in other Libraries like Jsoup and Jericho is different from what I was expecting,
I wrote a Class Extending the org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
which parse the XML. I then wrote two other Classes that look like Element
and Elements
from Jsoup containing two functions called find
that handle the CSS3 Selector and attr
that returns the attribute value.
I'm now cleaning and commenting that code... I'll post the library later for who is interested in.
is now possible like in jQuery !
Edit !
Here is the link to access the code for who is interested : Google Code Project
Moving to GitHub :