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emacs - how to make find-file search in subdirectories

I'd like to implement something like Resharper's "Go To File" feature for Emacs. When one presses mentioned shortcut, Resharper pops a text box that accepts a wildcard string and displays an autocompletion menu that lists all files in a project that match that wildcard:

"Go To File" dialog

For now, I know a crude way to achieve something more or less equivalent. It involves running dired with -lR and then invoking dired-isearch-filenames - that will start incremental search over the entire hierarchy of files inside certain root directory.

upd. I'm also aware about the option of opening loads of buffers, keeping them all in memory and using switch-to-buffer. This solution works nicely with ido, though it isn't 100% bullet-proof (what if some files get added or deleted?). It also doesn't play well with tabbar, since tabs will display all the files that are included in the project, but not a subset of the project that represents my current context.

However, this shows lots of unnecessary information and lacks autocompletion. I've taken a look at ido and icicles, but they seem to work shallowly, only within current directory. Is there a Emacs plugin that will help me to achieve my goal?


  • Although you might not want to keep lots of buffers open, you can hook IDO into recentf, which tracks recently-opened files:

    (recentf-mode 1)
    (setq recentf-max-saved-items 300)
    (defun ido-choose-from-recentf ()
      "Use ido to select a recently opened file from the `recentf-list'"
      (find-file (ido-completing-read "Open file: " recentf-list nil t)))
    (global-set-key [(meta f11)] 'ido-choose-from-recentf)

    I've been using this trick for years, and it's 99% of all the file-switching I need.

    Beyond that, I use M-x rgrep, and you might also like to look at M-x find-dired and M-x find-grep-dired.

    For more options still, check out the answers to this similar question.