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Is there a limit to the number of routes?

Here's my issue with Express.Router. I need these 4 routes to work at the same endpoint "/pets/...":

petRouter.get("/", petController.getAll);
petRouter.get("/:id", petController.getPetById);
petRouter.get("/mypets", verifyToken, petController.getAllUserAdoptions);
petRouter.get("/myadoptions", verifyToken, petController.getAllUserAdoptions);

But whats going on is that I can't use the second one ("/:id") together with the rest. It keeps breaking the server and it gives me this error:

    return new sequelizeErrors.DatabaseError(err);
    DatabaseError [SequelizeDatabaseError]: invalid input syntax for type integer: "mypets" 

And when I use them independently all of them work just fine. Is there any kind of limitation that I'm unaware of?


  • The request GET /pets/mypets matches both the second and the third route. In the second route, this leads to = "mypets", but petController.getPetById probably assumes that this is an integer. Hence the error that you observed.