I'm trying to mane a cube rotate according to mouse movement and even though <My rotating box is a child of canvas I keed getting: Error R3F hooks can only be used within the Canvas component! And its probably caused by the useTHREE function because when I remove it the error disappears
import { Canvas, useFrame } from "react-three-fiber";
import "./styles.css";
import { useThree } from "@react-three/fiber";
const MyRotatingBox = (props) => {
const mouse = useThree((state) => state.mouse)
const myMesh = React.useRef();
const [onHover, setOnHover] = useState(false);
useFrame(({ clock }) => {
if (onHover) {
myMesh.current.rotation.x += props.mouse.movementX * 0.1;
return (
onPointerOver={(e) => setOnHover(true)}
onPointerOut={(e) => setOnHover(false)}
<boxBufferGeometry />
<meshPhongMaterial color="royalblue" />
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<MyRotatingBox />
<ambientLight intensity={0.1} />
<directionalLight />
You are mixing namespaces. The correct one is the late, @react-three/fiber