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Use a custom formula with arrayformula for distances between two columns of cities in Google Sheets with App Scripts

I have a custom formula in Google Apps Scripts and Google Sheets that gives the distance between two cities. EXAMPLE SHEET


function MILEAGE(origin,destination) {
var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()

var route = directions.routes[0].legs[0];
var distance = (route.distance.value) * 0.000621371;

return distance

The formula works great for two cells, but I need it to work like an arrayformula for two rows of cities for each row independently. I have weighed the pros and cons of running the script once with an array and returning an array and it is not effective in this application because I do not want the entire range to re-calculate every time one row is added/changed.

The objective is for it to work like this:

=arrayformula(if(A2:A<>"", MILEAGE(A2:A, B2:B), ""))

Any suggestions on how to do this, or better ways to accomplish the same goal will be appreciated.


  • The issue is that, when you use pass a range in a custom function, it doesn't pass the range, but the values.

    What I recommend is that you use a trigger specifically onEdit so when you are editing a specific cell, it only recalculates that row. I also made it so that if you remove or add multiple location, they update the corresponding rows.


    function onEdit(e) {
      var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
      var range = e.range;
      var row = range.getRow();
      var column = range.getColumn();
      var lastRow = range.getLastRow();
      for(var i = 0; i <= lastRow - row; i++)
        if (row + i > 1 && (column == 1 || column == 2) && sheet.getName() == "Sheet1") {
          var origin = sheet.getRange(row + i, 1).getValue();
          var destination = sheet.getRange(row + i, 2).getValue();
          if(origin && destination)
            sheet.getRange(row + i, 3).setValue(calculateMileage(origin, destination));
            sheet.getRange(row + i, 3).clearContent();
    function calculateMileage(origin, destination) {
      var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()
      var route = directions.routes[0];
      if (route) {
        var legs = route.legs[0];
        var distance = (legs.distance.value) * 0.000621371;
        return distance;
      else {
        return "no route found"




    • I found a cell that returns error due to invalid location or no route found so I tried catching it.
    • If a row doesn't have a value on either cell, it will delete remove the distance column.