Hello i have a Planet class like below and i want to display Enum like MERCURY EARTH Etc ... without the informations between parenthesis and i'm using the CommonName inside the parenthesis like MERCURE , TERRE to search and display the Enum
public enum Planet {
MERCURY(0.387,"MERCURE") , VENUS(0.722,"VÉNUS"), EARTH(1.0,"TERRE"), MARS(1.52,"MARS"), JUPITER(5.20,"JUPITER"),
private double distance;
private String commonName;
private Planet(double v, String c) {
distance = v;
commonName = c;
public double getDistanceFromTheSunInAstronomicalUnit(double distance) {
return distance;
public String getCommonName() {
return commonName;
@Override //
public String toString() {
return ""+commonName+ " ("+distance+")";
And i have this function
Optional <Planet> Dept = Arrays.stream(Planet.values())
.filter(e -> e.getCommonName().equals(Dep))
i'm trying to display the Enum without the informations between the parenthesis and comparing the CommonName with an input(Dept) but the problem is everytime i get the informations inside the parenthesis
Anyone can help me please ?
You can search value like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Optional <Planet> Dept = Arrays.stream(Planet.values())
.filter(e -> e.name()==Planet.MERCURY.name())
Or Like This:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String valueYouSearch="MERCURY";
Optional <Planet> Dept = Arrays.stream(Planet.values())
.filter(e -> e==Planet.valueOf(valueYouSearch))